Monday, March 1, 2010

training, Mon Mar 1

March is the month that everyone usually makes a Big Jump in their game! So, let's see...

Kidd has Jaime in trouble...but he says he's ok...Until, he got tapped!!!
Dan, getting the compliments..."SMOOTH!"...
Sean, recovering from a Black Eye from his Last MMA fight...Might have to recover from another attempt...

Ray vs. Dan

Dan working his defenses and escapes!

Jaime! Throwing a Crucifix attack on Charlie! Charlie taught him well, maybe too well...

Ray and Christie Battle!

Jaime and Max!

Max vs. Ray, "Ray Gun!"

Gabe and Ismeal come in to support class!

Ray, "The Beast!"

Charlie and Christie!

Dan and Jaime!!!

Great Class tonight Guys!

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