Thursday, January 14, 2010

training, Thurs Jan 14

Wow! Great Class tonight! We went over some cool sweeps tonight...GREAT CLASS!!! Andy and Jaime!!!

Charlie and Dave! Two tough guys!!!

Ray and Dave!

Josh and Ben!!!

Andy and Jaime = Great workout partners!

Ray and David!!!

Matt and Zeke!!!

Dave and Jaime...

David and Ben!!!

Ray and Josh! Two Bad Ass Jiu Jitsu guys!

Good Job guys!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to all who showed up tonight ! Xtra props to Josh for driving up from his new home in San Diego Hope he decides to make TM his new home as well.
    This week and last have been tough but thats the ups and downs of BJJ. Life is taking a hold of a few guys on the team but they still manage to get the training in GOOD JOB GUYS AND GALS ! Everyone has a great attitude and that makes traing even better. WE had a few new guys check out class this week and hope they join up. Keep up the hard work and make 2010 another year to remember.
