Sunday, January 31, 2010

training, Sun Jan 31 Justin Williams = Black Belt

Congratulations to Justin Williams, New Chris Haueter Black Belt!!!

Drove up this morning to support Chris and Justin and get some training in. Charlie drove up and met me there...
Also, a Belated congrats to Rob Casey, a New Chris Haueter Brown Belt! This man has made substantial improvements to his game...putting the hard work in! and a Super Nice Guy to boot!

Chris giving his speech...I love listening to him talk! He has a lot to knowledge and information to offer! Great Guy!!!

Then I drove down, straight to Vista to teach. Ben and Jeremy were there! and we had a great time + lot's of good ol fashion hard work and training!

These two men sparred and drilled and worked technique! I'm very proud of these guys!

1 comment:

  1. Always a good time training in the garage ! Its been a while since i have had the chance to get in there but always a pleasure to role with these guys. Its not to often when u can train with 5 black belts and 4 browns all in the same room. Always an experience up there. Thanks Chris for the tough role and inspiring words. Congrats to Justin and Rob u guys are studs. Rob always good to see and role with u brotha need to do it more often !
