Monday, January 18, 2010

training, Mon Jan 18

Off to a good start for 2010! Right now, we have a good team. Everybody is elavating each other, quickly, to the next level.

Two tough women, Christie and Megan, work hard...

I don't know if Max is crazy? but going to sleep is not my idea of a good time! Jaime puts the sleeper hold on him and he's ok with it! Max = Fun!

Dan and Dave...two tough, TOUGH guys!

Max and Dave get some good rolling in tonight!

Jaime and I got some good work in tonight!

Megan and Jaime about to battle!

Max and Dan, trade footlock attacks

Two Jiu Jitsu Beasts...Dave and Charlie!

Max, with the wicked triangles!

Charlie and Christie got a lot of good sparring in, and had a great time!

Another good training session!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks guys and gals for a great Monday class ! Ounce again i see the everyone training hard and wanting to get better. To those team members who have not made it to class in a while don't get discouraged Get back in and train !!!! I know family and work come first . We all have life issues to deal with but its a shame to waste all the months and years some of u have put in.
