Monday, January 11, 2010

training, Mon Jan 11

Good class tonight!!! We went over some good sweeps from the closed guard and half guard.

Dan and Dave got some great rolling in! These two men are the nicest guys! (JUST DON'T GET THEM MAD!)

Sean and Max giving a demonstration match! Good one!

Sean and Farieba getting some good work in...

Max and Ashley, working hard

Sean and John, got some great sparring in tonight!

Max and Aleah = Great Partners!

Megan gets to Dan's back!

Alyssa secures an armlock on Sean!

Dave and Josh, working hard!

Ashley getting the arm lock on Sean!

Aleah securing the sidemount on Farieba!

John and Max = having fun!!!

Sean, getting to Dan's back!

Great Job tonight guys!!!

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