Friday, January 8, 2010

training, Fri Dec 8

Guys got some good, GOOD training in today! Here, Jeremy attacks Max with Ben watching in the background. Max secures an armlock on Daryl...

Fun to watch! Jaime and Jeremy were moving with Ferocity!

Wandah (aka, Kidd) stops by to watch the action

Daryl attacks Jaime with a choke attempt

Jaime gets to Maxs' back!

After class, Ben, Kidd and I head out to train with Nick Stefan at his new Academy in South Carlsbad. I really want to say thanks to Nick for inviting me to train...he is a class act with superior Jiu Jitsu!

Nick is a 4 year Black Belt under Rigan Machado...

Nick put a beating on me! In the nicest way possible...but a good beating! Great training! That's Cris Cyborg training in the background!

I also rolled with one of Nicks Purple Belts, Ryan! Tough, tough guy!

Here, Ben rolls with Big Tom! That guy had grips of steel! Ben got some great training in! He rolled with everyone!

Here we are coming back from training!
It's good to get out and "Get out of the box" and train with people with different flavors of Jiu Jitsu! I learned a lot today!!!
Great Day of training!

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