Monday, December 21, 2009

training, Mon Dec 21

Wow!!! What a great class tonight! Everyone had fun + got some good training in! December is a month where people take it easy on the training...but not these guys...

I cannot say enough good things about Charlies' Jiu Jitsu! Here, he gets to Doug's back...
Ben and Ray! Tough, tough guys that will not stop...

Dan and I had a good exchange of technique...

Ben and Doug got a lot of good sparring in tonight

Charlie and Christie work hard

Me and Ray battled! I have rolled with many tough guys over the years, and let me say that Ray ranks up there with the toughest of the tough!

Ray and Doug battle!

Charlie throwing a vicious reverse triangle from the back mount on poor Dan! Dan doesn't know if he's coming or going?

Jaime teaching James with Dan's help...

Doug and I got a good rolling session in

Ben works the back mount on Christie

The Brothers engage! Doug and Dan train hard!

Jaime and Brian got to witness some tough sparring matches! These guys took the night off but came in to push their teammates!

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