Wednesday, November 25, 2009

training, Wed Nov 25

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I'm so excited!!! I have so much to be thankful for!!! We talked about it in class, and Struggle is something that is going to happen in life, and in Jiu Jitsu, but STRUGGLE is not something to run away from. that's where you grow!

I cannot tell you how many times a student has called me or text me after class to tell me that they are sorry, that they "suck, " that they got "Tapped out in class!" I'll respond, "Hey, that's part of training! Be thankful that you have partners that can push you and challenge you!"

Jaime mentioned in class, that some students want it so easy, they'll train very little and want to come in and walk over everyone...Well, they picked the wrong sport...and like Charlie always says, "you'll get outta it, wut you put into it!"

Be Grateful guys, that there are other Jiu Jitsu guys that care just as much about their Jiu Jitsu as you do yours, and they will prove it to you once you get on the mat! These are the guys that can help you!!!

Here, Ben and Jaime do the Jiu Jitsu dance...

Dan gets to Jaime's back...

Jaime putting the pressure on Charlie for the pass...

Jaime taking it to Ben...

Ben shows Ray what pressure is...

I'm able to secure side mount on the very improved, Dan!

Jaime, working out of a bad position

Ray and Charlie went 35 minutes straight!

Hard grappling. Determined.

The guys that were able to watch, towards the end, got a treat! Those two guys attacked each other without stop!

towards the end, they both go to the feet to try and score. Here, Ray shoots in on Charlie!

Ray and Charlie, both celebrate after a great workout!

No Class, the rest of the week. We will resume Monday, Nov 30.


  1. Thank you Michio for continuing to inspire and motivate us.

    I just wanted to drop you guys a quick note and wish everyone a happy holiday! be safe and have fun!!


  2. I hope you all have a great week and enjoy being around your loved ones. Everyone be safe and dont eat to much LOL

  3. happy thanksgiving team thankful for knowing you guys!!! ")
