Tuesday, November 17, 2009

training, Tues Nov 17

Went over some good escapes from the bottom sidemount. Talked about training. The mind-set in training and the differences in training and competition.

Here, Max has a big smile on his face as he enjoys what he loves to do!!!
when the guys come to train...they come to bring themselves to the next level! It's all about improvement

Gio and Matt work very well together! these guys will be a force in the very near future...

Max helping me to demonstrate some technique to the class...

Tito gets to Bens back as Ben works his defenses and escapes...

Jim shows to Matt, what he is going to do to him, with his bare hands!!!

Jim shines tonight! He is making jumps in his game!

The ever faithful! Jaime and Charlie come to class to help and give support to the guys

Tito working with Jim on the "Art of Choking"


  1. Man... check out those pictures.. Michio is like a freaking Japanese tourist at Disneyland with that new camera of his..!!!

    keep up the good training!! everyone is doing awesome and making huge jumps!!


  2. Ha ha ha! Jeremy, you're killin me! You got me laughing so hard right now, I'm gonna buy you lunch!!!...Japanese tourist at Disneyland...

    How's that!?!

  3. hahah.. because those guys take pictures of absolutely everything.... I even saw one take a picture of his wife at the front desk of the hotel as she was signing the paper to check in!!!
