Thursday, November 19, 2009

training, Thurs Nov 19

I love teaching motivated people! I LOVE TEACHING MOTIVATED PEOPLE!!!

We had a fun class! Got a lot of work in (not always fun, but the rewards will come later!)

Tito, keeping a watchful eye on Max and Matt...

Max has been such a BIG HELP! He is very observant of the details and helps as many students as much as he can! Here, he helps Matt and Tito (bottom pic)....

Tito and Max go to work...

Bryson choking the s*** outta me!

Ben and Matt work hard at improving their game!

Bryson gets an armlock on Max!!! What?!?

The Matches of the night...Ben and Max push the limits...They had a couple of matches where they both fought their hearts out! Getting ready for tournament time!!!

Ben and Dan get GOOD WORK IN!!!

Great class tonight!!!
I enjoyed it, tremendously!

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