Sunday, November 8, 2009

No-Gi Worlds, Sun Nov 8

Long day! Congratulations to all those that competed and thank you to all those that drove up to show support!

Here, Max and I outside the Pyramid, Long Beach...
Chris and I after competing!

Chris Haueter takes first in his division!

Joao and I battled! but he got the winning score 2-0! He's a tough man!!! I ended up Third in my division

Here, Kevin Albertini and I battle it out. I ended up with the win 6-0 in a good match. This guy is tough!

Max battles it out with a tough guy but ended up a little short on the score but gained so much valuable experience!

Congrats to Charlie for taking First in his division!!!

Congrats to Andy for taking First in his division!!!


  1. you guys did a really good job! super stoked for u guys.

  2. Yesterday was a long one ! Way to go Mich , Andy , Chris , Heman and Max . Thanks Bethann , Wanda , Ray , Ben , Jaime , Matt , Sam , Jeremy , and Christie for showing support. Its nice to see and hear yours friends and loved ones when your on the mat. Thanks Heman and Chris for the Extra coaching it helped more than u know ! Thanks Michio for giving us the tools to get out there and compete.

  3. I want to Thank BethAnn most of all ! For those who do not know she is my girlfriend going on 4 yrs. Without her this would have been impossible. She made sure i ate right and stayed away from the junk food i love so much. The support she gave was beyond words. Im glad to have someone so caring . I know im a pain in the a@# but she puts up with me ! THANKS BABE I LOVE YOU !!!

  4. Great news guys! Team Mag did awesome!

    I am not surprised at all about how we did. We have a lot of talent in our room and even more drive... plus we have some excellent coaches :D
