Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy B-Day Charlie!!!

Time is just flying by!!! I just wanted to wish Charlie a Happy Birthday today! Here are a few pics I was able to dig up from back in the day...

Charlie and I after some training, July 2005!
Charlie has been training Jiu Jitsu about 6 years! It has become his passion

Here's a group pic after some training. Charlie next to Eddie Sanchez, UFC fighter.

Charlie training with another UFC fighter, Terry Sokujo

Charlie has put in many, many hours of mat time in over the years

Roy Harris congratulating Charlie on his Blue Belt promotion, Feb 2005

here he is smashing somebody back in 2006

training is not always fun. but the whole idea is to improve. Charlie has come a long way from when he first started

A group pic after class.
Charlie has made lots of friends and has gained much respect over the years

here's a pic after a tournament with Mike Easton in the middle back in July 2008



  1. THANKS MICHIO ! Wow six years has flown by cant wait to see what the next six bring.

  2. Happy Birthday Bro!!! Wish you the best

  3. wow those are some really cool pics....
