Sunday, November 29, 2009

training @ Haueters', Sun Nov 29

Drove up to Haueters to get some training in this morning! Small group of us but the training was very good! It was just me, Chris, and Justin smashing each other. Eric stopped by to say hi. Chris took it to me! He had great movement and timing was fantastic!
Me and Big Justin (about 240lbs), working on his Black Belt from Chris. This man is strong!!! I weighed in at 163lbs this morning and it was like grappling with the Hulk!

Chris and Justin go at it...

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend! See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

training, Wed Nov 25

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I'm so excited!!! I have so much to be thankful for!!! We talked about it in class, and Struggle is something that is going to happen in life, and in Jiu Jitsu, but STRUGGLE is not something to run away from. that's where you grow!

I cannot tell you how many times a student has called me or text me after class to tell me that they are sorry, that they "suck, " that they got "Tapped out in class!" I'll respond, "Hey, that's part of training! Be thankful that you have partners that can push you and challenge you!"

Jaime mentioned in class, that some students want it so easy, they'll train very little and want to come in and walk over everyone...Well, they picked the wrong sport...and like Charlie always says, "you'll get outta it, wut you put into it!"

Be Grateful guys, that there are other Jiu Jitsu guys that care just as much about their Jiu Jitsu as you do yours, and they will prove it to you once you get on the mat! These are the guys that can help you!!!

Here, Ben and Jaime do the Jiu Jitsu dance...

Dan gets to Jaime's back...

Jaime putting the pressure on Charlie for the pass...

Jaime taking it to Ben...

Ben shows Ray what pressure is...

I'm able to secure side mount on the very improved, Dan!

Jaime, working out of a bad position

Ray and Charlie went 35 minutes straight!

Hard grappling. Determined.

The guys that were able to watch, towards the end, got a treat! Those two guys attacked each other without stop!

towards the end, they both go to the feet to try and score. Here, Ray shoots in on Charlie!

Ray and Charlie, both celebrate after a great workout!

No Class, the rest of the week. We will resume Monday, Nov 30.

training, Tues Nov 24

Lots of fun!!! worked some position and control and a submission attack with a good set up. Andy and Charlie work hard

Ben and Tito get some good work in

Jaime attacks Bo with a triangle/arm lock combo

Tito takes it to Jaime!

Max and Andy go to battle!

Matt and Andy = Great workout partners

Matt's family comes in to wish a Happy Thanksgiving!

Max punishes Bo with the knee on stomach

Jaime and Andy working to improve

Ben choking Bo!!!

Tito attacking Jaime and shows no mercy!

Monday, November 23, 2009

training, Mon Nov 23

We went over some very good detail to different chokes tonight. then we worked position from the half/butterfly guard with some advanced detail.

Here, Ben and Ray get some good training in...
Dan and Jaime work hard...

Dan choking the s*** outta me!!!

Ben attacking Rays' arm!
Ray attempting to set in a choke on Jaime!

Megan working her choke on Ray! OUCH!!!

Ben and Dan = Great Training Partners!

Jaime going for that leg lock on Dan!

Hey guys! The end of the year is coming up!!! I want to wish you guys much luck with your training!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

training, Nov 22-Nov25

Happy Thanksgiving! This is the time of year to celebrate Gratitude and time with family. Very important. VERY IMPORTANT. It's your family structure that allows you to do what you do!

I am thankful for the wonderful friends that I have made and my Jiu Jitsu family that has allowed me to see my strengths and my weaknessess. I have a long way to go to where I wanna go...BUT THANKS TO ALL OF YOU THAT HAVE PUT THE TIME IN TO WORK AND DISPLAY HEART!!!! the ones to show up to practice, despite the turmoil that your life may bring! because when you show up to practice, you're not only helping yourself, you're helping you're teammates...THAT'S CHARACTER. THANK YOU GUYS!!!


Sunday practice...had us working hard! Jim and Jeremy take their Jiu Jitsu seriously. They could be at the beach right now or even just sitting around eating potato chips but here they are working to improve themselves!

Jaime coulda come to me with many excuses to miss practice cause I know what he and his family have been through this week, but here he is taking it to Big Jim...

Gio! Choking the s*** outta me!

Andy and Gio work to improve

Jim and Jaime drilling techniques taught in class

Jaime and Gio go to battle!

Andrew and Jaime drill technique

Gio attacking Jeremy with a leg choke attempt

Jaime giving Big Jim a Big Hug!!!

Thank you guys! I love you guys!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

training, Fri, Nov 20

Good training! I am so proud of Jeremy! every week, I can feel improvements in his game. Pretty soon, I will not be able to pass his guard!!!

Here, we get some good work in...
Charlie's not 100% but came in to train to keep his momentum of hard work. Here he is working the back of Jeremy...

Andy and Dan got a lot of work in with the drills, repetitions and the sparring...

Jeremy choking the s*** outta me!

Jeremy working his guard game!!!