Wednesday, October 21, 2009

training, Wed Oct 21

after a vigorous warm up we got right to some tough sparring tonight! With tournament time right around the corner, everyone is really working hard! Here, Charlie gets to Josh's back...

Megan working with Christie with the Knee on Stomach...

Andy putting pressure on Josh
Christie attacks with the triangle from the mount!

Charlie fights off Rays attacks

Dan had to work late so, he missed training but still stopped by to say hi!

Jaime and Megan go to battle

1 comment:

  1. Great class tonight everyone is working hard but still taking care of one another. I want to say Glad to have Josh as a new team member. He has MAD skills but also respects and cares for his training partners. Those who havent been in lately need to make time especialy if you want promotions ! Remember belts are EARNED by loyalty and hard work over time ! showing up every now and then to test yourself or beat up on guys wont get it done !!!! You wear the belt but represent Michio and TM so integrity is a must !
