Thursday, October 8, 2009

training, Thurs Oct 8

Great, Great Class tonight! Everyone worked really hard. Jiu Jitsu guys are tough, no doubt about it. Here, Andy attacks Jim from the back... Matt putting the pressure on Tito!!!

Dan and Tito go to war...

Charlie trading with Max some advanced positions (above pic)

Jaime and his BEAUTIFUL family! Stopped in to say Hi!

Jaime couldn't help himself, he had to get in there and do some teaching! Jaime, YOU ARE A STUD!!!

Ray and Andy battle! These guys keep pushing each other to another level!!!

Max and Ray trade Jiu Jitsu!

Charlie, he is soooo dangerous from the back mount! Sorry Jim, but hurry and tap bro...before you go to sleep!

Senei Woods gets some Jiu Jitsu in too! He gets to get a workout in with Matt!!!
thanks guys!!!! Everyone is working hard and the reason I say thanks because I'm proud of you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Exactly one month till No Gi Worlds ! WHOS READY TO GO ? Dont feel pressured guys. If your up to that good if not there are plenty more to do ! Seems like every year there are more poppin up small and big. I hope those who dont compete will atleast support those who are by making the trip to Long Beach . It really feels good to look up and see your teamates and friends. Gives you a little extra to fight for . Great class tonight guys . Good to role with u again Big Jim !
