Wednesday, September 9, 2009

David Bonneys' workout regimen

I wanted to present to you a typical week in Dave's week of working out! This man is committed to being the best that he can be. He is a tough man. Tough meaning that if he's sick, battered, or bruised, you can bet, he'll still be out there grinding it out. He is one of the nicest guys that you'll meet. He is a Marine and in charge of a lot of young men. He leads by example. He has been with Team Magnitude for a long time and I consider him to be one of the top guys as well as my good friend. The Marine Corps has him working a lot but in his own time, he is constantly bettering himself. This is inspiring!
I asked Dave to write up for me a typical workout week on paper and when I saw it, I said to myself, I've got to get better in my own workouts! This is inspiration!
To watch Dave roll, is a blend of strength, power, speed, and endurance. This guy goes through one guy after another and his face stays the same.
While most of you are sleeping in on Sunday morning...

Sunday: 0800 4 mile run in 30 minutes or less

1400 30 minutes of non impact cardio

Monday, gets up at 4:30 and starts at 5:30 am!
Monday: 0530 4 mile run in 30 minutes or less

1300 30 minutes of non impact cardio

1730 Weight training

2000 Jiu Jitsu practice
and does it again the rest of the week!
Tuesday: 0530 30 minutes of non impact cardio

1300 30minutes of non impact cardio

1730 weight training

Wednesday: 0530 4 mile run in 30 minutes or less

1300 30 minutes of non impact cardio

1730 weight training

Thursday: 0530 30 minutes of non impact cardio
1300 30 minutes of non impact cardio

1730 Weight training
Friday: 0530 4 mile run in 30 minutes or less
1300 30 minutes of non impact cardio
1730 Weight training
Saturday: Rest Day
A normal day at work can be from 8-12 hours and these are his own personal workouts. This does not count any work that the Marines requires him to do (3 days a week, can range from pull ups, sit ups, 3 mile run, to all different types of agility training!)
Thank you Dave! Hopefully, this inspires some people but for sure you got one...ME!!!

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