Sunday, June 7, 2009

training June 7-12

This week, we'll be spending some time with chokes, Gi and No-Gi. So, get your necks ready!!!

Sundays class was a lot of fun! we worked variations of the guillotine choke and got a lot of sparring in!
Bryan and Daniel giving the class a wrestling demonstration. These two are some of the best of San diego High School wrestling. They are fast, strong, and technical.

Bryan and Daniel working some takedowns. These guys know wrestling!

Get your conditioning up guys! Do your work off the mat with your running, lifting, and conditioning work!


1 comment:

  1. awwww i really wish i could have learned those guillotines! i'm sure you guys all had fun. just to let everyone know the reason i have not been in class is because i had laser eye surgery and i've been trying to heal. expect me to be VERY out of shape when i get back because i haven't ran or touched a wight since, i'm sure you guys will kill me on the mat! hey mich, you can tell me, did you tap jesse taylor?
