Monday, January 19, 2009

training Jan 18-24

We're into our third week of January, already! How are your Resolutions coming along? For me, I'm moving right along. I sustained an injury in practice yesterday to where I thought I was going to be out for a while! I was bummed! but right away, I started moving it, exercising it, and massaging it and refusing to let this overcome me. And today, the pain is A LOT less intense and even though I can't pick up much yet with that arm, I feel that I will be back in the mix within a few days! How's that for mind over matter! (I'm not saying this applies to all injuries) BUT I WILL NOT LET OBSTACLES STOP ME!

This week, we're continuing guard pass instruction along with controlling and attacking from the side mount. Guys are making great gains in their Guard Passing and I'm getting a lot of positive feedback.

We're shooting for a Chris Haueter seminar at the beginning of February. It's just a matter of securing the date. He will bring a good handful of some of his toughest guys! So, do whatever it takes to attend, it'll be a blast!

I hope you enjoy this technique video! It's one of my favorite chokes!

Affliction party at Jims' house this Sat! click comments below for more info...



  1. The guy I work with and I just drilled that technique at my store with Jackets instead of Gi's. hehe.

  2. I enjoyed last nights(Monday)class. It's been great to get so much detail on something as important as a high percentage guard pass over the last couple weeks. Last night drilling with a resistant opponent helped me to fine tune it. I also liked the high reps we got on some fundemental drilling and totally agree with what Charlie said about muscle memory, I sure know how helpful that drilling is for me. So thanks Charlie for the great class.

  3. I'm bummed I couldn't make Monday! I still have a plan for how I'm gonna get 3 times in this week though, so as far as my resolution goes I am still on track (Tuesday Wednesday, and Friday).

    Reading Eric's comment, I saw some fundamental drilling was done in Monday's class. I really like the idea of muscle memory, because that helped me the most out of anything I did in wrestling: the same move over and over. The opponent didn't have to be resisting, but couldn't be a limp fish either of course!

    School's starting for me and probably has for others! That means stress, and Jitsu is a great way to relieve it and be able to relax.

  4. THANX CHARLIE!!! :)
    Yea thanx to charlie i couldnt get out of bed this morning...j/k...;) That was a great workout last night ;) I love that feeling........This stuff is really helping to get me focused for the tournament.....Charlie has been a real role model and has been a great inspiration, stay focused i cant wait to see you compete......and Mich, thanx for lunch and thanx for everything you have done for have mentally and physically made me into a better, clearer minded person .your the man! :) thanx

  5. Thanks Max and Eric ! Your words mean A lot to me. Im glad I can help you in any way. I one day hope to be 1/2 the instructor that Michio is. To all the guys and gals STAY FOCUSED STAY POSITIVE AND GOOD THINGS WILL HAPPEN !!!!

  6. Thanks for the great comments guys!

    and to all you guys that stay dedicated...YOU GUYS ROCK!

    great story Greg!

    Charlie is a great instructor and has a lot to offer. He is a source of energy.

    Great lunch today Max!!! let's do it again soon.


  7. Hello team from Minnesota. I'm in Minneapolis for business and I am enjoying the single digit weather (well not really). This So. Cal boy is dressed in 2 coats.

    While on business, I didn't want lose the momentum I have had the past couple of weeks in coming back to class and rolling with everyone. So I found a BJJ school by my hotel which I have been rolling at. Today was my second day. The instructor here used to train with Chris H under Rigan Micadio. Small world. Everyone at the school I have been training at is very nice.

    This is my first experience training at a different school and with a different instructor. Also, it is the first time I have rolled with people outside of our team. The instruction and pointers I have been getting are good. It is interesting to see how everyone has a very different game and approach to doing things in BJJ. I will say how lucky we are to have Michio as our instructor. The details he puts in his instruction are huge! Also, I want to say how tough you guys are!! I have only rolled with other blue belt here (and I know I still an not that good right now as I am trying to get back into shape and back into things), but this schools blue belts are not giving me as hard of a time as you guys do. I get my butt spanked by you guys! This is a testament to Michio and our team!!

    Keep up the great work all and I will see you next week!!

  8. Eric!

    In Minnesota and still keeping in cool is that!

    I'm glad that you're keeping up the training!

    stay warm and see you soon!


  9. been in LA working on a new movie for warner bros havn't had much time for just about anything except work .. but as far as my resolution goes i'm right on track to accomplish what i have planned except coming to jiu jitsu more often

  10. Adam!

    thanks for checking in bro.

    working, making money is a good thing. good to hear.

    see you soon,


  11. Hey guys,

    Jim is throwing an Affliction party at his house this Sat. starting around 1pm. he has mats and a nice set up for us to roll and workout on. and then afterwards we can eat and watch the fights.

    I will be there with some guys for sure...let me know if you're interested in joining us!


  12. Affliction party sweet .. i'm trying to get work done so i can be there and so i can train with u guys on sunday ... so hope to see u there i'll probally show up alittle late .... trained jiu jitsu at a gracie place in santa ana and it was ok but no where near our level @ team magnitude .. its all about the details !!!! thats a big thanks to u michio i tapped my first brown!!!

  13. If you arent coming to class, ur missing some good workouts!! Get that cardio up for the tournament boys!! Team Magnitude on top.

  14. What up Eric R and Adam ! Glad to see you guys are getting your training in ! Stay focused and cant wait to see you back in class. And to the team *REMEMBER* " NO EXCUSES " You fight how you train , and you train how you fight ! I know i need to step my game up for compatition and I look to you guys to push me . I will do the same for those who want to get to that next level !!!!!!

  15. Thank you Michio for another great training session on Friday night!! all of those tiny little details you covered really helped fine-tune my GI chokes from side control. Even after this long, I am still amazed how a quarter inch adjustment in grip can mean the difference between getting the tap and the guy getting away!

    Also, thanks Max and Andy for some good rolling... you guys are awesome and I know training with you will help my progress immensely.

    Looking forward to the next training session already!! Everyone keep up the good work.


  16. Hey guys and gals ! Most of you are aware of the Chris Hauter seminar on Feb 7th. Make sure you make the time to show if you can. Remember all our promotions were possible because of Chris. So get out and show support and thanks to our Black Belt instructor. He is taking the time to come down and teach and train with us so show your thanks by being there ready to learn and have some fun ! His guys are great and it will be worth it.

  17. loved spending time with the team again tonight at jims house! for anyone who has been wondering where i have been, i've been so sick hunched over a toilet, and i thought i lost my intestines from both ends!
