Sunday, December 21, 2008

December 21-23, 2008

Hi guys!

check out the Chris Haueter audio interview from Dec 19. Lots of wisdom, insight, and advice. It's about 20 min long. I listened to it three times already not counting the original interview and lots of light bulbs lit up for me. Chris has been doing Jiu-Jitsu 20+ years and has been around the block, so to speak. I encourage you to take the time and listen to it. It'll help you grow.

Speaking of growing...I tell my student that I hope that they're doing Jiu-Jitsu to improve. What this means is that in training, you're always looking to expand and add new things so you're never "One dimensional." So, in training, when you are trying new techniques and ideas you make yourself vulnerable and what this means, you're probably going to "Tap" because you're going to make mistakes but that's ok because the point of training is to improve. You Improve by learning. So, when you "Tap", you ask yourself "what happened? then you look for corrections, you learn and you improve your game.

I am so fortunate to have Chris as my instructor. His coaching is invaluable. I have had tremendous jumps in my game and I certainly will pass this along to my students. What makes him such a good coach? Like he says in his interview, PASSION! ENOUGH SAID.

Another man that I would like to mention is Russ Whitaker. I have never met a man with as much honesty and integrity that he puts forth. Russ is such a busy guy and so involved that my only gripe is that I wish I could coach him more often in Jiu-Jitsu. I feel that he would be a Champion! Everyone loves Russ and we are so Happy that he is part of our team! This guy is a Stud!

It's going to be a short week in training this week. Only Sun, Mon, and Tues. Today, we started details of concepts & principles of the closed guard. The attack we're going for this week is the Omo Plata (shoulder lock with the legs.) Not only a great technique but a great position because it gives the attacker an angle as well as creating scrambles. That is when you catch a good grappler is off scrambles and if you're well versed in those situations, you'll have the advantage.

Kenny Jewel helped me with the audio interview with Chris this last Fri. He is a great guy and I want to say thanks! He has his own web site, Please check it out when you get the time. the site has interviews, techniques, products, and so much more.

Hey Guys, I know that it's Christmas season but tournament season is right around the corner. So, don't slack off in your training. I am heading up to train with Chris again this Fri and will take a handful of students with me. Let me know if you're interested in going. Do as much as you can to improve! The more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it. That's the truth! Merry X-Mas!



  1. Michio,
    Thanks for the kind words. After hearing the interview w/ Chris, I can see why you chose him. Several good points in the interview. Interesting that several points that he made, I have heard from you before. I like how he is good with an open "lab environment" and believes that each school should have their own personality. The functional movement while lifting weights and the "sport", "street" and "Art" styles of Jiu-Jitsu were good points to hear. I really want to get the art form down. You showed me yesterday that it is paramount. Thanks again for the videos, I now see what I was missing yesterday on the no gi choke w/ Jeremy. Take care, Russ

  2. Thanks Russ! We will have Chris down to teach at our Academy sometime in Jan. It's going to be awesome!

  3. aw man! i hate to miss out on trainning but i will try to make up for it at home. AWESOME lesson today. i really learned alot more important information about one of my favorate moves, which is the omo plata. i can't wait to try that armbar we learned today, because it fits perfectly into my game. thanks again Mich!

  4. Ryan, did you get a chance to listen to the interview? Oh, I wanted to tell you that your Triangle attacks have improved so much! I watched you tonight and you're on your way man! can't wait for the Pan Ams!
