Monday, July 29, 2013

Oceanside Jiu Jitsu MMA training

Cage Fighting Oceanside, Self Defense Oceanside, Martial Arts Oceanside
Oceanside Jiu Jitsu MMA training
We offer an Academy that is all about improvement.  Come in and get some great training, make some awesome friends, and get in the best shape of your life!

Boxing, Conditioning, Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Fitness!  Great Kids program!  Come check us out.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Ray "Ray Gun" Sloan gets the win at the XPlode Fight series!

Excel Jiu Jitsu, Excel MMA, Ray Sloan, MMA San Diego
Armando Contreras, Jon Romero, Ben Jackson, Ray Sloan, Michio Grubbs, Bubba Pugh, Charlie Grant
 Congratulations to Ray Sloan and the Excel Fight Team on an awesome win at the Xplode Fight Series on Jul 20th!  He finished his opponent in the first round with a beautiful arm lock!
Excel Jiu Jitsu, Excel MMA, Ray Sloan, MMA San Diego
Ray Sloan displaying explosive power!
 Ray "Ray Gun" came out blasting with power and then picked his opponent up in the air in a double leg attack with a huge slam into the mount!  The opponent tried to escape and Ray took his arm in an arm lock to get the win!

Excel Jiu Jitsu, Excel MMA, Ray Sloan, MMA San Diego
Ray Sloan in full mount looking to finish the fight!
Excel Jiu Jitsu, Excel MMA, Ray Sloan, MMA San Diego
Ray Sloan with the post fight interview with Ben Jackson
Special thanks to MMA coaches & Partners; Bubba Pugh, Jon Romero, and Armando Contreras. Jiu Jitsu Coaches Michio Grubbs & Charlie Grant.  Boxing Coach Sio Makihele of Pound 4 Pound Boxing!  Thank you to all of Team Excel that bought tickets and came out to support!


Monday, July 15, 2013

Oceanside MMA, Sunday workout!

Mixed Martial Arts Oceanside, Ultimate Fighting, MMA workout
Ray Sloan, Sam Holman, Mando Contrereas, Joey Beltran, and Bubba Pugh
The guys are training hard as they get ready for their upcoming fights!  Representing Oceanside MMA!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The most happening place!

Oceanside MMA, Carlsbad MMA, Vista MMA, San Marcos MMA
Excel Jiu Jitsu Oceanside

Come check us out! Guaranteed to have a great time!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Scientific Art by Ezekiel "Zeke" Fernando

“Don’t only practice your art, but force your way to its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.” -Ludwig Van Beethoven
BJJ In San Diego, BJJ in Oceanside, BJJ in Carlsbad, BJJ in Vista, BJJ in Escondido, BJJ in San Marcos
Oceanside Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a martial arts system that focuses on the ground fighting range.  A Japanese Judoka and Jiujitsuka named Mitsuyo Maeda emigrated from Japan to live in Brazil. Maeda taught the Gracie family Japanese Judo/ Jiu-Jitsu.  Using the concepts and techniques Mitsuyo Maeda taught the Gracie family, the Gracie family developed their own system of ground fighting called Brazilian jiu-jitsu. In the 1990’s the Gracie family promoted the effectiveness of their ground fighting system through a competition called the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Due to the success of the Gracie family in the early days of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, it became clear that the Gracie family had developed the premier ground fighting system.
Since I have started training in martial arts, I have learned many things about myself that I would not have discovered, through any other modality. I have learned that it is better to avoid situations where I cannot obtain my goals. I have also learned that since I live in a dynamic environment, I cannot remain stationary, I must adapt to the selection pressures in my environment to become a better Brazilian Jiu-jitsu player, a better martial artist, and a better person.
BJJ In San Diego, BJJ in Oceanside, BJJ in Carlsbad, BJJ in Vista, BJJ in Escondido, BJJ in San Marcos
Excel Jiu Jitsu!
When I step onto the mat, I remind myself that I am placing myself in to environment of learning; My own scientific laboratory, where I can test concepts and techniques to form my grappling game. Currently, my hypotheses are: Do I have the skills necessary to survive in an inferior position? Also do I have the skills necessary to impose my will, to achieve the goal of either improving my position or obtaining a submission?  I am not always successful in achieving desired results from my hypotheses, but the results from each experiment gives me a system of techniques that I know works for me as well as actions that do not work.  It is the crucible of training that helps us to adapt to the selection pressures of the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu mat.
As human beings, we are all unique but we have the same fundamental anatomical structures that can be exploited in order to improve our position or obtain submissions. I also have learned that we each have a distinct body composition and ways of moving our bodies. No two people are exactly alike. This means that each of us will have our own method of grappling that would be uniquely suited for us. We each have to discover our own grappling game.
            Practicing Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is not only a martial science but also an art, a means of uniquely expressing oneself through the modality of combat. Simply, the art of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is to use leverage instead of brute force to improve position or attain a submission. Through this medium of combative moving mediation, we learn to truly live in the moment as our actions could result in dislocated bone structures, unconsciousness or even death.  We learn to protect ourselves and our training partners from potential injury by always being mindful of the situations that we are in. When we improve ourselves, we improve the group’s ability to become better.
BJJ In San Diego, BJJ in Oceanside, BJJ in Carlsbad, BJJ in Vista, BJJ in Escondido, BJJ in San Marcos
Zeke training hard!
If you are considering training in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, I wholeheartedly endorse training with the Excel Jiu-jitsu team. Each Brazilian Jiu-jitsu professor at Excel Jiu-jitsu is completely devoted to improving the grappling game of each team member. The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Professors facilitate a constructively competitive environment that is conducive to learning Brazilian Jiu-jitsu regardless of your background or learning style. The training philosophy is that as I better myself in the practice of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, I am able to positively contribute to the group’s understanding of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, thereby improving my own game. It is like a friendly arms race with the aim of improving our Brazilian Jiu-jitsu games.  So come in and try a class. I am confident that you will not be disappointed. Excel past every limit! 


Monday, July 8, 2013

Boys and Girls Club of Oceanside

Kids Martial Arts Oceanside, Kids MMA Oceanside, Kids Excel, Kids Fitness Oceanside
Boys and Girls Club Oceanside working with EXCEL Jiu Jitsu
 Every Monday at 10am we work with the Boys & Girls Club of Oceanside.  The Kids love us!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Interview with Ray Sloan

Oceanside Jiu Jitsu, Oceanside cage fighting, Oceanside UFC, Oceanside BJJ, Oceanside Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Ray "Ray Gun" Sloan
 Ray has been training Jiu Jitsu for 8yrs + and currently holds the rank of Brown Belt.  He has a very smooth, flowing Jiu Jitsu game and is transitioning into MMA and currently holds a 2-0 record.  He has a fight coming up on July 20th, 2013 against a game opponent In the XPlode Fight Series in Valley Center, Ca. and he is ready to go!
Ø  When did you start Jiu Jitsu and why?
Ray:  Started Jiu Jitsu when I was 20yrs old.  I didn't understand how Jiu Jitsu worked and I started because I wanted to feel that magic that everyone talked about.  I kept hearing that Jiu Jitsu can beat anything and I didn't believe it until I tried it!
Ø  Did you do any other sports before Jiu Jitsu?
Ray:  I did football, basketball, I weight lifted, and actually that's what made me question Jiu Jitsu because I was bigger and stronger than everybody.
Ø  You get a lot of compliments about your ground game but I do remember, as your coach, the humble beginnings of first starting Jiu Jitsu.  You used to get the tar beat out of you!  Over the years, I've seen you grow and mature into quite the athlete with much skills.  Any advice to the beginning Jiu Jitsu enthusiast, that is just starting out?
Ray:  It takes time to grow on that mat.  Jiu Jitsu is like doesn't happen in one day.  Show up to practice...stay focused, & no matter how many times you get beat up or need to come back for more!
Oceanside Jiu Jitsu, Oceanside cage fighting, Oceanside UFC, Oceanside BJJ, Oceanside Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Ø  There is much to be said about loyalty and everyone has the right to choose where they train and with whom.  Why choose EXCEL?
Ray:  I choose EXCEL because I started Jiu Jitsu with Michio Grubbs, a friend brought me to Michio & I've doing it ever since...I wouldn't go anywhere else!  Where Michio goes, I go.
Ø  Tell the readers about your experiences in MMA up to this point.
Ray:  At first, It is a big, BIG difference **laughing** I love my Jiu Jitsu and for self defense, it may be enough but for MMA, as a sport, you need to know a lot more!  You need to learn the all around game.  It is a world of difference!
Ø  what weight do you fight at?
Ray:  I fight at 205, light heavy-weight.
Ø  How is the striking and the wrestling coming along?
Ray:  Striking is coming along very well.  I started with Bubba Pugh in MMA working boxing, kickboxing, wrestling and now along with Bubba, I have Sio Makihele to work my hands.  Sio has given me a lot of confidence in my hands to go along with what I already know.
Ø  How do you see your future in the combat sports?
Ray:  As long as I take care of myself, my body and my mind...I see it going very well.  Keeping a good teammate attitude is a big key.  Can't train by yourself.  Need good teammates.
Ø  what inspires you to train day in, day out...knowing that with the intense training comes a lot of pain and fatigue?
Ray:  What inspires me is that I love the fact that I never, ever thought that I could do any of this.  When I seen it on TV, it looked magical and I thought I couldn't do it.  But now, I'm in the cage and training every day.  Learning technical things and learning about the Art of fighting.  It's not just about...Get 'em, GET 'EM!  It's about the Art of fighting and I want to learn everything I can, to help me prepare for competition.  I know if you're not training are not going to win!
Oceanside Jiu Jitsu, Oceanside cage fighting, Oceanside UFC, Oceanside BJJ, Oceanside Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Ray Sloan getting the win!  EXCEL Mixed Martial Arts

How does your rest and nutrition help your training?
Ray:  In pre fight mode, I cut out all the junk food, the bad eating habits that I have and work a schedule for my eating patterns.  And it helps!  I call it a cleanse.  Cleaning out all the bad habits.
Ø  What all do you do to prepare for competition? 
Ray:  I train hard.  Get good rest.  Focus on keeping up good spirits, keeping my spirit up.
Ø  take us through a typical day of training?
Ray:  Typical day of training...after working all day, I come to cardio, cardio, cardio...then we'll spar but it's up to the coach.  To tell you the truth, I let me coaches choose how I train.  And I don't ask questions.  They tell me what to do and I do it.
Ø  Are you still working two jobs?
Ray:  Yes!  I actually am.  I do what is necessary. 
Oceanside Jiu Jitsu, Oceanside cage fighting, Oceanside UFC, Oceanside BJJ, Oceanside Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Ray Sloan with BJJ Coaches Corey Bennin and Michio Grubbs

Ø  What are your hobbies and what other interests do you have?
Ray:  My hobby is training and fighting.  I'm interested in teaching in the future, opening up a branch of EXCEL where I live.  I do not live close to my gym, I travel a long way to train but wouldn't trade it for the world.
Ø  how supportive is your family & friends about you putting it on the line to compete?
Ray:  Everyone in my life understands what I'm doing and what I'm about.  It went from no one believing that I was going to do it, thinking it was a fad to everyone knowing...This is what I do!  I don't want to be old saying I should have done it.  My family & friends understand this.
Ø  What shout outs do you want to throw out there?
Ray:  I would like to throw a shout out to first of all, my family, my friends, my teammates, my coaches, the gyms I go to, the sparring partners that come to train with me.  A special shout out to Corey for having us, Michio for bringing me up...I feel like I was his baby in Jiu Jitsu and he has raised me up to this.  Bubba Pugh, he doesn't have to do what he does, but he does...and I'm proud to have him in my corner.  He is the voice in the corner that I listen to when it comes to fight time.  My other coaches...Charlie, Jon, Sio, so happy to have them.  And with Sio, my boxing coach, I want to give him a special shout out to his gym.  Sio, is the Michio of my hands!
Ø  What do you want to say to your teammates, your brothers & sisters in arms that are reading this?
Ray:  Never give up.  Life happens and there are always going to be issues pop up.  Family issues, work issues, personal issues.  There are going to be times where you'll ask yourself why?  Why am I going to this class, why am I doing this?  You know what?  Don't even ask why.  Just get up and go.  If you catch yourself sitting down and thinking about training?  You should be going to go train.  If you're thinking about should be doing it.
Ø  Have you ever done any fitness modeling?
Ha, Ha, Ha!  **We both bust up laughing!**  Ray:  For the right amount of money...I would!  Ha!

Thanks for the Interview Ray!!!

Ray:  Thank you!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Oceanside Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

 Come in for a great Experience...make friends, get a great workout, and grow as a person!
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, BJJ, Boxing, MMA, Wrestling, Fitness, Kids Programs, Martial Arts San Diego
Oceanside Jiu Jitsu Free Classes
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, BJJ, Boxing, MMA, Wrestling, Fitness, Kids Programs, Martial Arts San Diego
After a tough workout!
 Congratulations to Paolo on his 2nd stripe White Belt Promotion!  This man works hard and has made big jumps in his game!
Charlie Grant, Michio Grubbs, Corey Bennin, Jon Romero
Paolo Rendon and Instructor Charlie Grant
Hard Work + Dedication = Success!


Monday, July 1, 2013

Why I train at Excel Jiu Jitsu -Joe Pugh

Joe has been with the team for a long time and represents the nice guys that like to get in and mix it up and get that combat athletics  training.  Joe is 50 years young and continues to train hard every week.  Here is a short article by him...

Oceanside MMA, Carlsbad MMA, Vista MMA, Oceanside Mixed Martial Arts
Joe Pugh, EXCEL Jiu Jitsu Oceanside

 I was first introduced to Jiu Jitsu by my son, he would set up mats in the garage and have some friends over. I couldn't resist the urge to roll with them, I am heavier than my son so how bad could this go? His Jiu Jitsu was so effective and efficient that I was saying hey that hurts within the first couple minutes! He laughed and said "I know". I joined a gym that offered Jiu Jitsu the next day. My intent was to get better, build cardio, strength and be able to roll with both my son's. So off I went training at a different gym than where my son trained. I did that for awhile but I couldn't get to the level of training that I was happy with. I wanted to be as good as my son. So I talked to him about his gym and joining him with his training. His response was "I dunno it's kinda rough there" he was right. I was pushed further than I thought I could go. I would go into training thinking, ok don't embarrass your son today, try to survive. Every session was exhausting, exciting, extremely educational. Every person I've met has been extremely polite, humble and caring. I am older than most of the guys I train with, actually I may be the oldest guy at the gym right now. I have these young guys and girls training me, coaching me and pushing me to be better. It's actually fun to see a group of young men and women setting and exceeding their goals.
Oceanside MMA, Carlsbad MMA, Vista MMA, Oceanside Mixed Martial Arts
Joe training hard, at EXCEL Jiu Jitsu Oceanside
So my first reason to train Jiu Jitsu was so I wouldn't get beat by my son. I still get beat.... I didn't factor into the equation he was going to get better too, now both my sons train... Yea that's not any better for me either but I'm lasting longer during our rolling sessions now at least Along they way Jiu Jitsu has introduced me to some of the best people I've met

Oceanside MMA, Carlsbad MMA, Vista MMA, Oceanside Mixed Martial Arts
Joe Pugh, gets the win, EXCEL Jiu Jitsu
Now I train at Excel Jiu Jitsu for many reasons, I love watching both my boys be amazing men even though I will pay for their progress it's what I love to do most, I enjoy Jiu Jitsu, it's a great workout, its healthy, it's a it's a workout for your mind, body and soul, my best friends and family train at Excel. Training at Excel under these coaches is one of the best decisions I've ever made.