Sunday, October 28, 2012

Set yourself some goals!

Bubba Pugh gets the win!

I want to re-publish an article I wrote back in Dec 27, 2009 that has helped a good handful of athlete's reach their goals!  Here we go...

Set some Jiu Jitsu, Fitness, and Personal Goals. Be a Goal Setter! First thing is first, decide on what you want to achieve. What is important to you and what do you wish to accomplish? From there, create a plan then get busy working that plan by taking action. Make it happen! In any goal worth striving for, there will be obstacles, challenges, and struggles along the way, so you must have persistence. Along with persistence, you will get the needed Intensity to reach your goal by setting deadlines. Deadlines are a must. The sense of urgency created by deadlines will light a fire that will get you moving. Lastly, finish what you start, BE DEDICATED

Charlie Grant teaching

1) DECISION: Know exactly what you want to achieve. Something that’s important to you, maybe something that you wish for or dream about? Once you decide, write it down.

2) PLANNING: Create a plan and it should be flexible, detailed and broken up into stages to help you get to where you need to go. The plan will guide you, help you and allow you to see where you are going and how much time you have

3) TAKE ACTION: Work the plan! Be dedicated! A worthy goal will challenge you and give you sense of purpose but it will not be easy. You will come across challenges and struggles that will let you know that you will be in a fight! Stay strong

Jon Romero working with kids
Strength and Conditioning class at EXCEL Jiu Jitsu Academy

Joe Pugh gets the win!

4) DEADLINES: A timetable will get you moving quickly in the right direction. Having a deadline will create a sense of urgency. Without a timetable, you might find yourself, with time, losing interest in what you’re going after.

Levi Summerlin wins two Golds!

5) ACCOMPLISHMENT: Finish what you started. Don’t quit. A lot of times, worthy goals take much time. Once the newness wears off, the effort increases. After you reach your goal, set more goals and keep improving and evolving!

If you’re new to Goal Setting, understand that Goal Setting is an Art and I only touched on a few points. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Everyone does it a little different that everyone else. But make no mistake about it, setting goals, creating that plan and taking action to get that plan in full effect, will get you where you want to go.
