Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Training At Esco, Tues May 31

Good Class!!! started with a vigorous warm-up, right to repping out some technique, then worked on attacks from the closed guard. Lot's of sparring combined with conditioning! Tough Class!
Jaime and David had some great battles tonight!

Arturo and Ray working hard

Paco teaching the 5 year olds some Jiu Jitsu!

Arturo working with the kids during Kids class!

Manuel working with Issac during Kid's class

Paco working with Javier during Kid's class...

Bubba gets Chino in Kesa Gatame

Jessica looking for the Kimura!


Jaime attacking Jessie with atriangle!

Ray and David Battle!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Training At Esco, Thurs May 26

We worked passing from the top Half Guard + Lot's of Sparring to kick off Memorial Day Weekend! Great Group!!!
Dan doing what he does best...Kikin butt!
Armando and Johnny...a battle that went back and forth! two tough Heavyweights!

Paco helped me teach the Kids class!

Manuel working with the kids!

Arturo working with the Kids! He's great with the kids!!!

Dan and David...What a match up! Back and Forth Battle!!!

Kidd grapples with Lorena!


Upside Down! Armando and David!!!

Armando battles Jessie!

Jessica and Kidd Grapple!

Dan was on fire tonight!

Old School, New School, Team Mag!
After Jiu Jitsu, We hit the weights!!!
Armando, Kidd and I tore up the weight room!!!


No Class Friday

Sunday, I'm taking a group of guys up to Redondo Beach to Train with Chris Haueter!

No Class Monday, Happy Memorial Day! See you Tuesday!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Training At Esco, Wed May 25

Good Class! Lot's of sparring! Also we worked passing the Guard from the Standing position
Manuel and Dan working hard and having fun!

Bubba and Charlie Battle!

Kidd working hard

Bubba and Ray!

Andy and Paco Battle!

Charlie after practice!

Charlie and Jessica working hard

Kidd and Jessica having fun!

Arturo, all dressed up and no place to go!

Ray and Andy! Two tough Purple Belts!

Manuel on a hot date after practice!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Training At Esco, Tues May 24

Action Packed Class! Started with a vigorous warm-up, then worked Arm locks from the guard, then lot's of sparring! everyone had fun!!!
Charlie attacking David!

Big 300lb David Grappling with Ray!

Manuel gets Lenny's back!

Bubba and Johnny working technique


Me teaching class

Ray and David Battle!

Jessica and Christie between rounds

Charlie and Johnny!

Christie and Lorena!

Bubba and David Battle!

Charlie teaching Kidd and Jessica

Arturo and Dillon Grapple!
