Sunday, February 27, 2011

training, Sun Feb 27

Great Class today! We worked on attacks from the Side control. Fun!
Showing an arm lock to Daryl
Daryl attempting an arm lock on Jaime but Jaime escapes!
Jaime going for the arm lock on Jeremy!
Bubba and David spar!
Jeremy gets Bubba in a reverse triangle!


Saturday, February 26, 2011

David Sanchez = 1st Place! Fight Lab Tourney

Congratulations David! You fought Awesome and Kicked Butt!

Got good seats!

David about to Battle!

David with the Win...

Right before his first match...calm and poised

fighting for the takedown

Great match! David was winning 5-0 before he submitted his opponent with a Kimura from the top

David Wins First!

Tough Match!

Both these guys brought the fight!

David wins the match 7-0

Charlie didn't like the food!

Kidd and I had a great time!

Great support team!

Shelly and Beth Ann!

Bubba and Brittany

Great Job David!


Friday, February 25, 2011

training, Fri Feb 25

we worked on open guard control and attacks! Plus, got some great sparring in!
Jaime and David working hard!

Jaime on David, Side control

Beth Ann!

Jeremy gets to Charlie's back!

Charlie working with Kidd

Jeremy and Daryl!


Jeremy and Daryl working hard

Kidd and Jaime spar!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

training, Thurs Feb 24

Another Tough Class! Lot's of Drills, timed sparring and conditioning
Dan and Charlie Battle!

Paco and David working takedowns

Kidd and Jaime Battle

Kidd working with Charlie

Dan & David Battle!

Sandy working her sprawl!

David Preparing for the upcoming tournament this Saturday! We will be there to show support!

Gabe and Paco!

Daryl working his defenses

Manuel and Ray!

Dan showing Andy where the Mat is!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

training, Tues Feb 22

Started with Stand up Grappling with Positioning, Grips, Grip-Breaking, and takedowns. Then we did lot's of drills then timed sparring, and finished up with more drills from the feet and on the ground. Lot's of work. Great Class!
Jaime and Charlie Battle!
Ray gets the arm!

Ray and David Spar!

Paco and Jaime!

Bubba and Andy, about to battle!

Paco and Manuel working takedowns

Kidd and Daryl working Stand up Grappling

Daryl and Charlie battle!

Andy and Gabe!
