Tuesday, November 30, 2010

training, Tues Nov 30

Fun! Good Class! Jaime started teaching his favorite choke, "Brabo Choke" then I elaborated with Combos and Set-ups to compliment his favorite choke.
Meagan was Super Sharp tonight! She was an attacking Machine!
Christie! Pouring it on!!!

Mike and Bubba...

Manuel, between rounds...ready for more!

Paco, Choking the S*** outta Jaime!


Mike...Feeling the Workout...

Christie and MeAgan!

Christie and Bubba!

Arturo and Manuel!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Promotions! Tues Nov 23

Tonight was so much fun! We were able to recognize some students for their most recent efforts in their Jiu-Jitsu training. To get to the Advanced Levels of Jiu-Jitsu, no doubt, is a long, hard battle. Bottom line...you're either into it or you're not. The ones that are into it, are consistently attending class, excuses or no excuses, every week...working to improve.
I am proud to have such a great team of Athletes that put it on the line...week after week!

Max and Meagan working the Takedown!

Mike and Jaime...Battle!
Sandy and Manuel!
Sandy working the Arm Bar on Jaime!
Kidd and Sandy

Congratulations to Daryl Crane on his Promotion to the Blue Belt! This Humble, hard working man brings so much to the table when it comes to training...we are proud to have him on our team!

Paco and Daryl!

Congratulations to Mike Caputto on his first stripe Blue Belt! He has been training (off & on) for close to 7 years (mostly No-Gi.) This guy is a hard worker!!!

Mike and Daryl Spar!

Congratulations to Armando Contreras! Receiving his 2 Stripe Blue! He has been training (Off & On) in Jiu-Jitsu for about 6 years. he has extensive Wrestling training along with MMA experience and is a Beast on the mat!

Congratulations To Daniel Pugh (Aka, Bubba!) He received his 3rd Stripe White tonight. He has an extensive wrestling background and is one of those rare induviduals that translates his wrestling well onto the Submission Mat! This guy is a Beast and has a bright future in Jiu Jitsu!

Daniel and Armando!

Congrats to Arturo on his first stripe White! This guy has one of the best attitudes that I have seen. Everyone loves this guy and he is a great asset to the team!

congrats to Manuel Gonzalez! He is only 125lbs soaking wet, but he is catching on to Jiu Jitsu really quick! Watch out for this man!

Max and Manuel!

Meagan and Christie!

Congratulations to Christie on her first stripe Purple! She has been with Team Magnitude for close to Nine Years! Mostly No-Gi. She has Incredible Jiu-Jitsu and is a treat to roll with.

Congratulations to Meagan Frank on recieving her Blue Belt tonight! She has been training for 7 years with Team Magnitude (mostly No-gi) and has a great attitude and is absolutely fun to roll with!!!

One of the most fun nights in Jiu-Jitsu for me!!!

thanks guys!


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Grappling X San Diego

Drove down to La Jolla to cheer on Bubba and Jaime as they put it on the line! Sophia, Kidd and Brittany also came down to show support. Jeremy was also in attendance! Good tournament
Bubba looking for the guard pass. This guy is a beast! He definitely has a bright future in Jiu-Jitsu.
Bubba finished the tournament with 2 wins and 1 loss and a second place finish. Great, action packed Finals match!
Kidd and Sophia enjoying the show!
Jaime was as tough as ever! He loves to compete and brings the action.
Jaime had two tough matches but wasn't able to come up with the wins but had an incredible experience in both. Props to Jaime for stepping up.


Friday, November 19, 2010

training, Fri Nov 19

Great Friday Class! Got a lot of work done today! Fun!!!
Worked on Stand up Grappling! Takedowns, Guard Pulls, Takedowns!!! Set-Ups, combinations, and Strategy. Drills, Drills, DRILLS!
Sophia, working her Jiu Jitsu Magic!

Armando and Jaime = BATTLE!

Sophia and Ventura!

Mike attacking...

Jaime and Ventura Spar!

Jeremy and Sophia working the Stand-Up Game...

Mike and Jeremy Spar!


Good Job guys!

NO CLASS on Sunday.
I'm heading down to coach Jaime and Bubba at Grappling X in SD! Cheer these guys on as they put it on the line! I'll be heading down with a handful of students and afterwards, a bite to eat!!!


training, Thurs Nov 18

Chokes, Chokes and More Chokes! Back Mount attacks! More Chokes...
Good class tonight! great Energy, good training!

Warm Up...

Ray and Gabe!

Ray and I battled!

Sandy attacking Paco!

Meagan Putting on the "Hurts" on Jaime

Daryl and Ventura!
