Saturday, July 31, 2010

Congrats Jaime; Dinner w/Christie & DaMarques Johnson!

Congrats to Jaime to his 3rd Place finish in his division and 3rd Place in the Absolute Division at today's Grappling X tournament in Long Beach! David went up to coach Jaime and did a fantastic Job!

Jaime lost his first match in a close one but went on to win the rest of his matches with 8 guys in his division. He qualified to compete in the Beginner's Division but on my advise, competed in the Intermediate Division and did Awesome!

Jaime made lot's of friends and will make a big jump in his game from this experience!

Jaime and his proud family!

Christie invited Kidd & I to dinner in San Diego with DaMarques Johnson and his corner! this pic includes; Matt Pena, Sean O'connel, Christie & Mike Phillips, and Jeremy Horn

We had a Fantastic time! and ate up all the food!!!! DaMarques weighed in today for his fight in the UFC tomorrow against tough wrestler, Matt Riddle! DaMarques' team flew in from Salt Lake City and are Great Guys! GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!

Kidd and Christie having Fun!

Couldn't wait for desert!


Friday, July 30, 2010

training, Fri Jul 30

Good, solid class. We worked top and bottom of the half guard. Attacks, positioning, posture, and tranisitions. Plus some good sparring...

Kidd and Sophia battle!
Kidd and Jeremy working...

Jeremy overseeing Kidd and Sophia spar

Carizma about to sneek up on her dad!

Jeremy teaching...

David and Jeremy working hard

David and Daryl!


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Promotions, Thurs Jul 29

More Stripe Promotions tonight in recognition for Hard work earned: Daryl = 3 Stripe White, Dan 1 Stripe Blue.

We also handed out Certificates to Induviduals for recognition of Achievement.


Jaime: Most Dedicated

Dan: Most Improved

Max: Best Personality

Ray: Hardest Working

Charlie: Most Technical

We gave a speech on each induvidual and what they mean to the team...
Some tough sparring tonight! Daryl and Matt go at it...

Sophia hooking Jaime up with Kisses before the tap!

Ben and Ray! What an Awesome match...
Daryl and Dan! two tough Hombres...

Jaime and Andy! Match of the Night! Jaime is competing this weekend...Wish Him luck!

Charlie and Dan! Wow!!!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

training, Wed Jul 28

Good training tonight! Lot's of good sparring. Everyone had fun!

Charlie working with Jaime...
Jaime squeezing Dan's head like a pimple...

Jaime and Manuel battle!

Christie putting the HURTS on David!

Arturo and Jaime go at it!

Sean and Franciso Grapple!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Promotions, Tues Jul 27

Had some Stripe Promotions tonight! David = 3 Stripe White, Ray = 1 Stripe Purple, Adam = 2 Stripe Blue, Meagan = 3 Stripe White, Sean = 1 Stripe Blue, Max = 2 Stripe Blue, Matt = 3 Stripe White, Jaime = 2 Stripe Blue, Kidd = 1 Stripe White!

Congratulations!!! These People have worked hard to get to their respective level.
Adam and Ray battle...

Jaime gets the arm bar!

Charlie and Adam!

Charlie and I, handing out awards

Christie gets to Sean's back!

Andy and Christie spar!

Sophia and Max!


Monday, July 26, 2010

training, Mon Jul 26

Great Class!!! Getting some of the guys ready for competition!

Ray and Jaime giving a demonstration to the class on the Point system...
Jaime getting the choke on Sean!

Charlie giving an inspirational speech to the class!
Ray and Jaime battle!

Christie's beautiful smile!!!

Charlie and Ray...What a battle!!! These two guys are the "Real Deal!"

Christie and Meagan!!!


Friday, July 23, 2010

training, Fri Jul 23

We worked on Closed Guard techniques, top and bottom today + Lot's of sparring...

Charlie and Sophia watching Jeremy's technique...

David and Jaime. Two Great Guys!
Kidd! Technique on Fire!!!

Ventura and Kidd, working hard...

Jaime catching Jeremy in a choke!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

training, Thurs Jul 22

Great Class tonight, Good Energy! We worked on various Clock chokes. Tough guys and gals! Jaime and Dan working extra hard...

Christie and Meagan working with David helping out ...

Sean and Max, getting their MMA training in after Jiu Jitsu practice...

Sean and Josh getting some extra work in after practice...

Charlie teaching (poor Jaime...)

Andy teaching....

Sean & Max!

Max and Dan during sparring...
