Tuesday, June 29, 2010

training, Tues Jun 29

Great Class tonight! We worked "Action/Reaction" Drills tonight. The guys got a lot of work in + Had a great time! Ben and Josh!!!
Kidd and Meagan!

Ray and Andy!

Ray and Max!

Max and Matt!

Kidd getting the Arm Lock!

Ray and Ben in Action!

Meagan and Matt working hard

Charlie keeping a watchful eye over Josh and Ben!


Friday, June 25, 2010

training, Fri Jun 25

Started Class drilling Gi chokes. Then we went into Side Mount Top Control, transitions, and attacks.

Farieba attacking Jeremy!
Ventura working with Daryl...

Ventura attacking Jeremy with a triangle!

Farieba getting the choke on Jaime


Josh and Jeremy!

I'm helping Josh work technique

Farieba and Ventura!

Jaime and Ventura!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

training, Thurs Jun 24

Tonight was one of the best classes! We're always having good classes but tonight was GREAT! We worked a lot of basics and fundamentals, we studied some high percentage techniques with a lot of information to help execute the techniques in live matches.

Sophia getting to Jaime's back! Going for the sub...
Andy and Ray helped me teach the class. These guys are great!
Jaime and Dan! great match-up!

Max and Kidd Battle!

Ray teaching...

Andy teaching...

Ray working with Daryl with Daryl going for the arm lock...

Daryl and Max!

Sean and Daniel came in to help out...

Matt and Andy!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

training, Wed Jun 23

Charlie taught a great class tonight, blending Drills with technique. Everyone was wiped out at the end! Good Class!!!

Farieba keeps getting better! Here, she gets to Jaime's back, looking for submission!
Charlie finishing Sean!

Charlie attempts an arm lock on Big Ray...

After some tough sparring...

Daniel is Purple, Purple!

Sean putting in that little extra after class!

Here, Kidd sits with Big D! Daniel is in town visiting for a few days!

Sean gives Daniel a warm welcome!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

training, Tues Jun 22

Fast Paced Class! Working some Stand Up Grappling Drills, Guard passes, Theory and application, and finally, some submission attacks from the top side mount. Sophia takes on "MAX LIGHTNING!"

Sophia and Kidd, working hard...

Daryl and Matt!

Andy reviewing techniques for the class

Jaime and Daryl!

Charlie and Andy = Great Workout partners!

Ben and Charlie!

Tito and Josh!

Max and Farieba!

Charlie overseeing the guys

Andy and Josh, in training....

Ben going for the choke on Kidd
