Monday, May 31, 2010

training, Sun May 30

The Guys got some Great training in Yesterday! As usual, lot's of sparring and we went over some choke attacks from North South Position.

Jaime and Tito! Great Match-Up!
Jeremy, "The Giant Slayer" and Ray!
Bryan and Sean, Lock Up!

Megan, Kidd & Nina wish everyone a "Happy Memorial Day!"

Sean has Jaime all tied up!

Jaime on David's back

Sean gets to Ray's back!

Jeremy attacking Tito

Manny and Bryan wrestle!

Daniel stops by! Here he is with Sean...


Friday, May 28, 2010

training, Fri May 28

Good Class! Everyone got something out of the lesson! We went over gi gripping, control and open guard sweeps.

Class, small class but everyone loves their Jiu Jitsu...
Andy helped me demonstrate most of the techniques, strategies, and Principles for today's class
Jaime and Jeremy! In one word...INCREDIBLE!
Kidd, locking up a triangle on Jaime...

Charlie keeping a watchful eye and giving great insight...

Jeremy and Andy!

Andy and Kidd

Josh and Andy in a leg lock exchange...

Jaime and I got some great work in today!

Jeremy with his wicked triangle attacks!

Jaime working with Kidd...


Thursday, May 27, 2010

training, Thurs May 27

Working hard! We studied controling and attacking from the Mount. Then went on to have some battles during sparring!

Two Jiu Jitsu Studs, Charlie and Andy battle it out!
Gabe and! What a match!!!
Kidd and Daryl, working hard...

Daryl working with Andy as Dan looks on...

Sophia and Matt with the watchful eye of Sean...

Andy attacking Jaime

Sophia vs. Jaime!

Sean giving Kidd a tip...

Sean! And who says Jiu Jitsu fighters aren't sexy? Ladies, Sean is available!

Charlie and Daryl!

Jaime working with Gabe as Dan looks on!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

training, Tues May 25

That was a fun class! We worked on Sweeps from the open guard and got lot's of sparring in!

Kidd takes on Ben!
Daryl and Andy got some great work in...
Ray and David!
Sean and Zeke got some good sparring in...

Kidd and Daryl get some work in...

Ben slapping a choke on David!

Daryl and Jaime!

Andy and Ray!

Who says Jiu Jitsu fighters aren't sexy? Hey Ladies...Sean is available!

I asked Zeke to share his stories of training in Brazil with the class...very interesting stuff

Sophia, Matt, Carizma, and Megan!

Kidd battles Sean!

Ben and I got some great work in!


Monday, May 24, 2010

training, Mon May 24

Another full night of grappling. We worked Triangle attacks including set-ups, details and finishes!

Ben and Christie! Having fun + working hard!
Dan and Ben! Two Great Grapplers...
Josh and Charlie! Two Jiu Jitsu Beasts...
Jaime and David! Great Match-Up...

Here I am, getting to Sophia's back. But she's learning fast!

Max vs. Kidd! Working hard...

David is there...somewhere under the awful might of Big Gabe!

Christie and Megan! Drilling!

Kidd & Sophia

Max and Daniel!

Carizma! taking her Daddy's arm!

Jaime! Under there somewhere! Josh is a Beast!

Sophia working with Megan
