Friday, April 30, 2010

training, Fri Apr 30

Another great class! Lot's of good training! We worked on defending sweeps, also worked some guard passes...

Ben and Jeremy = Great workout partners!
Ben and Jaime!

Kidd and Jaime...

Ben working with Andy


Sophia's first Jiu Jitsu class

Jeremy and Jaime!

Jaime and Andy

Kidd and Jeremy

Gabe and Andy!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

training, Thurs Apr 29

Two hour class tonight! Went over more attacks from Cross Side. everyone had a Blast!

Sean and Jaime!!!
INTENSE! Gabe and Ray...

Kidd working with Sean...

Me teaching...

Kidd and Jaime...

Ray and Sean...

Max getting to Matt's back during sparring...

Jaime and Gabe...Great match!

Sean and Andy!

Kidd and Ben!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

training, Tues Apr 27

Worked some Gi chokes from top side mount tonight. Had a lot of fun! Got a lot of sparring in + situational drills.

Tito and Max! Two great guys!
Kidd working with Matt...

Max and Ben...

Jaime teaching Matt...

Andy working with Kidd...

Jaime and Tito!

Andy and I rolled for a long match...

Ray working with Kidd...

Ben vs. Andy! Another great match-up!

Another Good Class!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

training, Mon Apr 26

worked on a couple of different choke attacks mixed in with some positional exchanges...

Good energy tonight!

Here, Christie and Sean get some great sparring in...
Charlie and Adam, working hard...

Daniel and Jaime!

Charlie and Christie...

Daniel and Adam!

Me teaching class...

Kidd, Dan and Jaime!


Ray and Jaime!


Congrats Josh Griggs! Winner, Gladiator Challenge

Congratulations to Josh Griggs! In one of the best fights of the night, KO's Bobby Trivitt in the 3rd round @ 210 lb weight class with a left hook! Josh trained hard for this fight and has many more to come!

The fight was non stop action with the crowd going crazy!

It had elements of wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, boxing, Muy Thai, Brawling...WoW!!!

Josh controlled the whole fight, but Bobby was determined to find a way to win and showed a lot of heart.
Great opponent for Josh!
Right before the fight, Josh's corner: Brett, Me, Josh, Doug, and Charlie

Me, Kidd, Sophia, and Jaime!

Andy, Sean, Jaime, Sophia, Kidd and myself bought tickets from Josh to support him and his fight efforts. We had a Blast!

Sean and I, celebrating Josh's victory!


Friday, April 23, 2010

training, Fri Apr 23

Fun, FUN, FUN!!!

I've been teaching for over 9 years...I've had Big groups of Tough Guys...I've had small groups of tough guys...but the Group of guys that we have now..."QUALITY!!!"

Here, Jeremy lays on an Eziekiel Choke on Daryl...
Jaime and I got a lot of good work in!

Jaime working with Daryl...and clownin at the same time... :-)

After class...talking with Josh, Jaime and Brian...

Ben, Jeremy...Two STUDS!!!

Speaking of two Studs...Andy and Gabe...

Ben giving Josh His All...

This sounds Gross... but this Picture looks like...Prison Rape!!! :-(

Max Teaching....

Max was on Fire today!!! His Jiu Jitsu was Awesome!!! Ask Jeremy!!!!

Gabe and Josh! Two Heavyweights that can move!

Ben + Jaime = Jiu Jitsu Studs

Great Class!
Thanks Guys!!!

PS. Josh Fights on Sunday Night! No Class on Sunday! CHEER HIM ON GUYS!!!