Saturday, October 31, 2009

training, Fri Oct 30 @ Haueters

Friday Morning training at Chris' place. It was a small group of us and we got some good rolling in! My shoulder has been killing me and I have a hurt knee, so all week, I've had to really train smart to not make them worse.

The No Gi Worlds is next weekend. Chris and Heman are competing. And also, Andy, Ray, Charlie, Max, and myself are competing as well. Wish us luck! It'll be insane competition!
Chris and I, right before training...

Chris took us all on!

Heman, ALL SMILES!!!

Chris is ready for the tournament!

Mike and Rob get some good training in


Thursday, October 29, 2009

training, Thurs Oct 29

Great techniques! Great sparring! Great IMPROVEMENT!!! The guys worked hard tonight, as usual to make jumps in their game...

Here, Charlie has Max all tied up, looking for a submission. Charlie was super smooth tonight, demonstrating much skill!

Matt working his Clock Choke on Tito. Matt was on tonight!!! For as little as he's been doing Jiu Jitsu, HE IS BLOWING UP!!!

I know, I know, right when I say that, Jaime gets Matt in a Triangle Choke!!!

Max! Showing Tito..."The Choke!" He, He...these two men work well together!

Charlie and Max battle from standing

The look on Max's face shows the determination! The determination to improve and go the the next level!!! He's been doing his homework!

Jaime helps me demonstrate the Clock Choke...

Jaime and Max, stand up grappling. I was very impressed with Jaime's throws!!!

Charlie showing GREAT SKILL!!! His Triangle attack from the Back Mount...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

training, Wed Oct 28

Another training session where we got mega sparring in, No-Gi. About an hour and a half straight (small breaks.) Everyone rolled with everyone.

Andy and Ray go at it at toward the end of class. What a battle!!!

Doug and Ray get a lot of good work in...

Christie works with Andy

Doug and Dan about to roll

Christie wiped out but happy!

Here I am after class, weighing in at 159lbs, hoisting an 80lb kettlebell!
tired but happy!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

training, Tues Oct 27

SMILE!!! Ben and Tito are all smiles... Ben and Gio get busy...

Jaime takes the giants back!

Max and Jaime push the pace...

Ha, Ha! Jim squishes Max but Max gives Jim the Indian Feathers!!!

Max and Ben get some good sparring in

Tito and Charlie work hard

Max has me working out of a bad position

Ben on Jim's back!

Charlie's on Jaime's back!!!

Charlie gets Bryce ready for battle!!!

Bryce gets some good advice from his Dad! Bryce is going to be a champion some day!

Bryce takes Jaimes back!!! And gets the tap...

Bryce attacks Gio from the Mount!!!

Jim helps Bryce celebrate!!! BRYSON THE CONQUEROR!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

training, Mon Oct 26

Tonight, everyone got almost an hour and a half each, of rolling in tonight! We emphasized skill rolling vs. perfromance sparring. SKILLS PAY THE BILLS!!! We worked a lot on positions and tournament strategy. By the end, everyone was soaked w/sweat but had a great time! We were laughing and telling jokes at the end of practice! GOOD TIMES...

Ray has many compliments to hand out to Max! Max has made a tremendous jump, just in the last two weeks! KEEP IT GOING MAX!!!

As usual, Jaime and Dan work well together! Helping each other to the next level...

Andy and Christie had a great sparring session!

Here, Christie works a Kimura attack on Ben

Ray and Andy, helping each other for the upcoming tournament. Ray was showing Andy some stuff that might help him and Andy was showing Ray some stuff too!

Max and Jaime, again, SKILLS!!! You two gentlemen are doing FANTASTIC!!!

Good work tonight guys!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

training, Oct 25-30

Great training! GREAT TRAINING!!! WOW!!! Everyone is working hard! Guys are making BIG JUMPS IN THEIR GAME!!! here, Max and Jesse get some work in... Tito has got Jaime's back!!! (Literally)

Bruce goes for tough Christies arm...

Ray and Tito work hard...

Jeremy and Jaime...

Max and Ray battle it out...

Jeremy and Jaime (above pic)

Christie smashes Tito...Ouch!!!

Jesse and I work hard!

What a Battle! Jesse and Ray!!! Better than the UFC!!!

Jesse smashes Jaime from the top of Half guard

Bruce has Christies back

Jesse finishing the Rear Naked on Max...

You guys, keep pushing yourselves!!! Every training session is important.